The City of San Francisco requires all multi-family buildings to upgrade fire alarm systems to pass the “Pillow Test” to comply with the SFFC Section 1103.7.6.1.
After several devastating apartment fires hit the City in 2016, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed legislation to seriously strengthen safety in multi-family properties. Most of these requirements went into effect shortly thereafter. However, a new mandate goes into affect on July 1, 2024 requiring a manual fire alarm system that would be more likely to wake sleeping residents.
These new alarms are more effective not just because they are louder, it is due to fact they use low-frequency horns or speakers that are more likely to wake a sleeping person. These lower frequencies require more energy to make them sound and unfortunately most existing fire alarm systems are not designed to handle the additional power required.
Therefore, a new system will often be required to be installed before July 1, 2024. We can help you avoid violations for non-compliance.
Click here to sign up for a free consultation. For any questions, you may reach me at or give me a call at (949) 200-7728.