Vert Energy Group

Are You in Compliance with LL97?

NYC Local Law 97 (LL97) places a carbon cap on buildings over 25,000 sq.ft. This is part of the City’s aggressive Climate Mobilization Act aimed at reducing energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions.

Building owners face penalties of $268 per metric ton over their emissions limit, per year. The first emissions limit goes into effect in 2024. Thereafter, an additional 40% reduction in is required by 2030.

Start Planning Now:

  • Step 1: Determine if your building is in compliance with the 2024 & 2030 deadlines.
  • Step 2: If not, make a strategy to decrease energy/GHG emissions to comply by deadline.

Need help understanding the law? Sign up for a free webinar to learn if your buildings are in compliance and what actions you need to take.

Click here to sign up for a free consultation to learn if your buildings are in compliance and what actions you need to take.

For any questions, you may reach me at or give me a call at (949) 200-7728