Vert Energy Group has extensive experience with energy efficiency and construction management and can assist your organization seamlessly implement building and equipment upgrades by serving as Owner’s Technical Representation (OTR). We have the ability to implement and manage energy projects nationwide through our in-house staff and strategic alliances with some of the world’s largest Energy Service Companies (ESCO). Generally this role will include:
Vert Energy Group will work with your organization to develop the project based on ownership’s investment criteria and other goals. This role will typically consist of the following:
One the project is developed Vert Energy Group will outline the steps involved in the process and create a chart of the implementation timeline.
Vert Energy Group will prepare technical scopes of work for applicable measures and then send a Request for Proposal (RFP) qualified vendors and contractors. We can review, analyze and negotiate price on behalf of your organization with our 3-Stage Bid Selection.
Vert Energy Group will then present the proposals and recommendation to ownership for selection. Ultimately, this process is designed to save your organization time and money by allowing us to negotiate and respond directly to vendor Requests for Information (RFI).
On behalf of your organization, Vert Energy Group will coordinate the efforts of all vendors and contractors to ensure proper implementation and your staff’s time commitments to the project. Our role will typically consist of the following:
Vert Energy Group will identify and help capture applicable rebates and incentives with the following steps: