Beginning in 2023, VertPro® will be switching to online payments only, following suit with paper-free companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook. The paperless movement is growing in popularity, as more and more people and companies are looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly. Join the paper-free revolution with VertPro® today and enjoy all the same benefits in a more environmentally friendly way!
While there are many benefits to paperless billing, our favorite at VertPro® is the positive environmental impact. Paperless billing saves trees, which in turn, helps to preserve our planet! By using less paper, we can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve resources by reducing the amount of energy used to produce paper products. Paperless also means less ink, plastic, fuel, waste, and countless other aspects of manufacturing and disposal processes.
Not only are you helping the environment – you help yourself, too. Paperless billing is more efficient and secure and saves you time and money. Pay your bills on time without any additional fees, never having to worry whether your submitted payment arrived by its due date. No envelopes, no stamps, no problem! Access all your securely stored documents faster and easier with paperless billing from VertPro®.
Paperless billing is just one of the many ways VertPro® is working to improve the customer experience! We strive to provide our customers with enhanced security and added convenience to assist in overall customer satisfaction. We know paperless billing is the way of the future and we want our customers to be a part of it!
VertPro® is making a difference with paper-free payments in 2023, will you join us? Help save the planet and experience the benefits for yourself!
“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail” – Benjamin Franklin
New Webinar: 6 Pitfalls to Avoid During Construction Projects

6 Pitfalls to watch out for in Building Project Updates
Communication | These types of projects have lots of moving parts, and it’s paramount that every team and member is on the same page. This limits confusion and the probability of redesign. Mistakes can result in a domino effect. Construction and project management software allows teams of contractors and sub-contractors to stay up to date and remain in contact. |
Budgeting | Budgeting for capital improvements is something property management teams should be doing every year. Some projects will be mandated by law. Proactive budgeting will protect your bottom line by giving you a safety net for setbacks and will make sure you’re prepared for mandated upgrades. Staying on top of mandated upgrades will help you avoid costly fines and penalties and potential lawsuits, as mistakes and setbacks can be costly. |
Resourcing | Hiring the right professionals can make all the difference. The costs of misassigning roles between different contractors and sub-contractors are most likely going to appear midway through construction. Getting professional assistance with your planning and hiring will reduce cost overruns and delays. |
Due Diligence | Are all your ducks in a row? Land ownership disputes or zoning, boundary, and access issues can stall projects and increase costs. Preparing all necessary documents prior to construction and hiring reputable and verified contractors can make a world of difference. |
Coordination | Are your architects and engineers working in coordination? Design lapses in the project can cause major setbacks. Consider how the designs are created and released. Make sure they are releasing their designs on the same day. |
Contract Preparation | Try to avoid using different forms of agreements and contracts with suppliers and contractors. They will be difficult to manage and create confusion. Using a standard form for all your engagements will minimize confusion. |
Building owners should consult with VertPro® Upgrades to determine which projects will be the most beneficial for their property. By making smart upgrades, you can add significant value to your commercial building. Sign up for a free 1-on-1 educational webinar with VertPro® for information on the 6 pitfalls to avoid during construction projects. Capital improvements are key to maintaining the efficiency of your properties, and in this webinar, we’ll discuss how the process works.
Post a Project for a Chance to WIN an Apple Watch
Deadline: August 31, 2022

Post a project on VertPro® Upgrades by August 31, 2022, and you’ll automatically be entered into the raffle for a chance to win an Apple Watch. You can post a project here: Submit your project here for a chance to win an Apple Watch
Capital Improvements are key to increasing the market value of your properties. By making strategic upgrades, you add value and efficiency to your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers or renters.
VertPro® provides you free bids from verified contractors for any building upgrade project. Not only are the bids FREE, but we are currently offering a $25 Amazon Gift Card when you post a project! If you select a bid within 5 days of receiving them, you win ANOTHER $25 Amazon Gift Card!
On top of those great rewards, if you post a project before NOON PST AUGUST 31st, 2022, you will be automatically entered to win an Apple Watch!
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today" - Malcolm X
The Heat of Summer is at its Peak and Will Soon Cool Down

Tips for energy conservation
In the last few years, the United States has experienced some of the hottest summers on record. As global temperatures continue to rise, heat waves are more intense – and more frequent. That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure that your building is as energy efficient as possible. Below are several effective ways you can lower your energy consumption and keep cool this summer. By following these tips, you can keep your home or building cool and comfortable all summer long.
Summertime is a great time to save energy – and money! Your cooling system is one of the biggest energy hogs in your building, so it’s important to keep it running efficiently. First, make sure that you change your air filter regularly – a dirty air filter will make your system work harder and use more energy. You should also have your cooling system serviced by a professional once a year to make sure it’s running properly. Summertime is also a great time to reassess your building’s thermostat settings. Just because it’s hot outside doesn’t mean you have to crank the AC way down – in fact, that can end up costing you more money in the long run. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends employers keep the thermostat between 68° and 76° F. Others believe in the power of a colder office, for instance, Mark Zuckerberg keeps his thermostat at an unbelievable 59° F. Regardless of personal preference, commercial buildings waste a lot of energy every year, so anything you can do to reduce that waste is good for the environment and your bottom line. In terms of energy efficiency, while keeping in mind employee comfortability, we suggest setting the thermostat to 74 degrees when in the office, which will keep you cool without using too much energy. Ask your property manager about investing in a programmable thermostat, which will automatically adjust the temperature for you based on your schedule. Don’t forget to close the vents in rooms that you’re not using – that way, you’re not cooling an empty room and wasting energy.
Fans are also a great way to circulate air and keep your building cool. If you have ceiling fans, make sure they are rotating counterclockwise so that they push the air down. You can also open windows and doors to create cross-ventilation, which will help circulate the air around the office and keep things cool. Just be sure to close the windows and doors at night so that you don’t let all the cool air out! Taking these steps can help to make your office more comfortable for everyone while also saving energy and money.
Fun Fact: Do you have a sneaky feeling you’re seeing double? Chances are, it’s twins! If you’re noticing more twins, you’re not alone. In fact, the twinning rate – the number of twins born per 1,000 births – has been on the rise in recent years. According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 3 in every 100 births in the United States are twins. Twins are more common than ever before, and the twinning rate is only expected to continue to increase in the coming years. There are several factors that can contribute to the increased twinning rate, including advances in fertility treatments and an increase in multiple births. Twins can be either fraternal (non-identical) or identical (monozygotic). Fraternal twins occur when two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm cells, and they result in two genetically distinct individuals. Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits into two, resulting in two individuals with the same DNA. Twins are more common than ever before, so if you’re expecting twins, you’re in good company!

Stephanie’s Section
Books or Movies “The book will always be better than any adaptation because it is always better at being itself.” – Thomas Leitch Are books always better than movie adaptations? A good book is like a good movie, in that it can transport you to another place, another time, or even into another world. But the beauty of a book is that it doesn’t rely on special effects or a big budget to do so. All it needs is your imagination, something movies will never be able to match. Your imagination creates a world from your own experiences and interests, tailored to you. A movie’s depiction is a generic version of all the beautiful images and situations your mind creates and will never compare to the power of your imagination. Therefore, the consensus is that books will always be better than movies. There are many arguments in favor of books being better than movie adaptations. Studies have shown that people who regularly read have increased mental capacity and are better able to concentrate, reason, and think creatively. Overall, movies are a surface-level entertainment source that doesn’t require much effort or attention to consume. You can watch a movie passively, without having to engage your brain too much. Books, on the other hand, are a more active form of entertainment that requires you to use your imagination and engage your brain to follow the story. Books also provide more depth and detail than movies, as movies are forced to compress the story into a shorter timeframe, which means that important details are often left out. Books, on the other hand, have the time to explore the story in greater depth and detail. Movies are often constrained by budget and time, while books don’t have these same constraints and don’t rely on special effects to make up for a lack of depth or detail. So, next time you’re looking for a good story, make sure to pick up a book instead of heading to the movies. You’ll be glad you did!
Search by Zip to Find Applicable Energy Laws
There are over 30 cities/states with Energy Benchmark requirements - 16 have Energy Audit requirements as well! Use this free tool to check if your building has an upcoming Energy Benchmark or Energy Audit deadline.